Sale and Purchase Agreement Hilang

Sale and Purchase Agreement Hilang: What it is and How to Deal with It

A Sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA) is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a property transaction between a buyer and a seller. This agreement serves as proof of the formal agreement between both parties and serves as the foundation for the sale of the property. However, there are times when the SPA can go missing or be misplaced, resulting in serious issues for both the buyer and seller.

What is Sale and Purchase Agreement Hilang?

Sale and Purchase Agreement Hilang refers to situations where the SPA of a property is lost or misplaced, causing problems for both the buyer and seller. In the process of property acquisition, the SPA is a crucial document that outlines the terms of the transaction. Losing or misplacing the SPA can result in confusion and misunderstandings between the parties involved.

What to do in case of Sale and Purchase Agreement Hilang

In the event of an SPA being lost or misplaced, the first step is for both the buyer and the seller to communicate and try to locate the missing document. They can also check with their lawyers or the land office where the SPA was last recorded.

If the SPA is not found, the buyer or the seller can initiate the process of obtaining a certified true copy of the agreement from the land office. This document serves as a legal substitute for the original SPA and can be used by both parties as proof of the transaction.

The process of obtaining a certified true copy of the SPA is relatively straightforward. One needs to submit an application to the land office requesting a certified copy. The application should be accompanied by supporting documents such as the original title and the latest search copy of the land.

The land office will process the application and issue a certified copy of the SPA once it has been verified that the applicant is the rightful owner of the property. The process may take several weeks, depending on the land office’s workload and procedures.


Sale and Purchase Agreement Hilang can be a significant source of headache for both the buyer and seller. It is crucial to maintain the SPA in a secure and accessible place to avoid the possibility of it getting misplaced. However, if the SPA is lost, parties can take legal recourse by obtaining a certified true copy of the agreement from the land office. It is essential to communicate and work together to ensure that any issues are resolved quickly and smoothly, thus avoiding any unnecessary delays or disputes during the property transaction.

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