Contingency Fee Agreement Ontario Sample

Contingency Fee Agreement Ontario Sample: Everything You Need to Know

If you’re looking for a contingency fee agreement Ontario sample to help you draft a contract for a legal case, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about contingency fee agreements, including what they are, how they work, and how you can create a legally binding contract with a sample.

What is a Contingency Fee Agreement?

A contingency fee agreement is a type of legal contract that allows an attorney to represent a client in a legal case without requiring upfront payment. Instead, the attorney takes a percentage of the settlement or judgment amount if the case is successful. If the case is not successful, the attorney does not receive payment.

Contingency fee agreements are commonly used in personal injury cases, where clients may not have the financial resources to pay for legal representation upfront. They are also used in other types of cases, such as wrongful termination, medical malpractice, and employment discrimination.

How Does a Contingency Fee Agreement Work?

When a client and attorney enter into a contingency fee agreement, they agree on the percentage of the settlement or judgment that the attorney will receive as payment. This percentage can vary depending on the type of case, the complexity of the case, and the jurisdiction where the case is being heard.

If the case is successful, the attorney will receive the agreed-upon percentage of the settlement or judgment as payment. If the case is not successful, the attorney does not receive payment.

Contingency fee agreements can be beneficial for clients who cannot afford to pay for legal representation upfront. They also incentivize attorneys to work hard to win the case, as their payment is directly tied to the outcome.

How to Create a Contingency Fee Agreement

If you’re looking to create a contingency fee agreement, it’s important to work with a qualified attorney who can help you draft a legally binding contract. However, you can also use a contingency fee agreement Ontario sample as a starting point.

Here are some tips for creating a contingency fee agreement:

1. Clearly define the scope of the representation: The agreement should specify the type of case the attorney will be representing the client in, as well as any limitations on the representation.

2. Set the percentage fee: The agreement should specify the percentage of the settlement or judgment the attorney will receive as payment.

3. Outline the expenses: The agreement should specify how expenses related to the case will be handled.

4. Include termination provisions: The agreement should specify how either party can terminate the agreement.

5. Follow all legal requirements: Contingency fee agreements are regulated by law in Ontario, so it’s important to make sure the agreement complies with all legal requirements.


Contingency fee agreements can be a useful way for clients to get legal representation without upfront payment, and they can also incentivize attorneys to work hard to win the case. If you’re looking to create a contingency fee agreement, it’s important to work with a qualified attorney who can help you draft a legally binding contract. However, using a contingency fee agreement Ontario sample can also be a useful starting point. Just make sure to follow all legal requirements to ensure that the agreement is enforceable.

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